
July 6th, 2005 ~ August 16th, 2005



~ archives

August 16th, 2005 - tuesday

Above is the first page of my FLIGHT 3 story. We're making great progress on the book and it's all looking very, very good.

Please excuse the dust in here while I clean house...

The workbook link is back up and I'm working to reconstruct the Clive and Cabbage secton of the site. Much of the old material was stored on a separate website, boltcity.net, to avoid bandwidth penalties, and recently that site was attacked, prompting my webhost to wipe all the html files off of the account. The garage files are still being repaired, too.

For the children...

Today, Amy and I gave a talk to some teens at the Pasadena Public Library. They're currently holding a series of presentations by comic authors, and tomorrow Tokyopop will be there to speak at 4pm. We'll be doing it again in a few months, so I'll keep you all posted. I'm also conducting a How To Draw Comics workshop at 826LA. The next session is tomorrow at 1 to 3 pm and is primarily for high schoolers. The past two weeks, I had the opportunity to teach a group of 6-12 year olds how to draw their own comics. Man, kids are so cool.

Almost famous...

Apparently, this site was featured on G4TV a couple of days ago on Attack of the Show. I guess G4TV is a popular gaming channel or something.

It looks like Copper is also featured in an article in the New York Times. Sheesh.

Okay, anyway, back to cleaning... I'll be back soon!



August 9th , 2005 - tuesday

The announcement for my new graphic novel project went out today...


August 1st , 2005 - monday

The new Copper comic can be found here.

I just joined a gym today. Hopefully, it'll help put me at a higher energy level to take on my next graphic novel project. I feel like I've been spending the last couple of weeks preparing for an arduous marathon. I made the living quarters nice and cozy so I can enjoy my breaks away from the drawing table, and installed a giant bulletin board above the main drafting table, to keep track of the progress. Now this. I'm pretty pumped about the book. I just have to clear up a couple of freelance commitments and then it's Flight and my solo graphic novel all the way...


July 28th, 2005 - thursday

Hello folks. It seems I've been away for awhile, and this site's been collecting some dust. Man, look at all the dead links in the garage now... So many of those images were sitting on my boltcity.net account and that site got wiped after it came under attack. Looks like I have some cleaning up to do...

Well, while I was away, so much has happened... I have a new book to announce very soon, and it looks like I am finally a full-time graphic novelist! Amy and I moved to a new apartment in San Gabriel, and we've been working to set up an awesome comics workspace. Heheh. The Comic-Con was a blast, we sold a bunch of books, and hung out with tons of great people...

Ah, enough with the small talk. Time to stop running around talking to people and get back into the madness of comicking. I'm looking forward to it. :)


July 6th, 2005 - tuesday

Hmm, looks like the Flight Forums are suffering from some user abuse issues. I'm talking with the host right now about resolving this and it should be up shortly.



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all material (c) copyright 2004 Kazu Kibuishi